December 13, 2007

A Jigsaw

Holiday Images: It’s Nutcracker time again. Granddaughter M in middle, 2004.

Instead of doing Christmas things, reserving the panic for tomorrow, I’m going to work at the library, going to lunch with the Poets, then I will come home and stare at my cold rooms, unwrapped packages, and unpurchased gifts with my magic wand in hand.

Once I have solved those problems, my only remaining problem is a jigsaw. I still haven’t figured out where I will put the dinner table. Now that may not matter in most households, but our table lives folded up behind the sofa. Backed into a corner indeed. Two M’s are coming to dinner tomorrow and I would like us to sit at the table. The menu is easy. MB told me what she wanted to eat: pork, veggies, and sugarless lemon meringue pie. I can do those. The table itself isn’t quite so easy.

Dear G brought the chairs up. That was good theater in itself involving his climbing over the back of Grumpy’s lid, pulling down chairs, then passing them over two vehicles into my shaky with laughter arms. We are using Duck’s chairs, and my thought is that he cut the legs off to shorten them for another table he used to have. They won’t work with this one, so in a rush before the board meeting, we bought two new cushions that match the two old ones in color. Our chins won’t be resting in the soup.

I can do the dishes, I can do silverware having at least four settings of somebody’s utensils over there in the drawer. Putting the table somewhere is a stretch. There literally is no room over there between the sofa and the bookcase. It’s my jigsaw for the day….after I do the library and lunch with the ladies.

Poetry always comes before jigsaws.

Duck: We didn’t visit as G had a board meeting. We did tell the nursing desk, the front desk, and we wrote that we wouldn’t be there on his calendar which he never remembers to look at any more.

Me: Still nursing tooth. Little pain; great swelling. Went to school then party where I ate fattening things wantonly, home, conservative and rushed dinner hamburger, bought See’s, nothing at Big Lot’s, cushions at Target that are the right color. Long bath with new Parker…….so very disappointed in the hero. Junking all that series of books. I don’t want them in the house.

G: Announces another new manager for the association. He isn’t running again for the Treasurer job. They don't listen to him.

Weather: Have my fingerless gloves on and am heating only this one tiny room at the moment.

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