April 4, 2009


Balboa Park Club, 2009. The city of San Diegoo says this about the building, “The historic Balboa Park Club building was first constructed for the park’s 1915 exposition to house the state of New Mexico’s exhibits. It was later remodeled and enlarged for the 1935 exposition. It was during this period that sculptor Frederick Schweigardt and painter Belle Baraceneau created their striking fountain and mural which adorn the building’s grand foyer. Rental facilities within the building consists of two areas; the Santa Fe Room, a medium sized banquet/meeting hall to the left of the main entrance, and the Ballroom, featuring approximately 13,000 of unobstructed wood dance floor.”

Today: Overbooked as usual. Breakfast-lunch with an old friend, photos later. Automotive museum = zoo perhaps. Booksigning for one of the writer group authors. I had to send regrets to a graduation party.
Himself: Came home as happy as a clam and even suggested dinner by the bay before going and being a candidate.
Herself: Gee, what did I do yesterday? I truly appreciated the thoughtfulness of one young man whose wife has cancer bringing in their things to the shop, but they smelled appallingly bad.
Reading: Dragonheart.
Balance: An hour with the book after the “Candidate Meet and Greet.”

After all is said and done, I am a cynic.

Retired, for cause, rejected and not voted in members of our condos are now trying to take over the board. Giant control freaks running roughshod over the community. That’s it in a nutshell.

Laws. They don’t matter. We need a closer community….more community involvement. There is only one side and it isn’t us. Legal issues? That’s not what we heard. Personalities before principals.

Within five minutes, I was staring at the ceiling of the clubhouse so I didn’t say what I thought. Meet and Greet didn’t mean speeches after the crowd left, but that's what one non-board member insisted. I was there to support G who didn’t want to be there either. Ditto the Prez.

“Didn’t you know I was a cynic?” I asked him. I’ve been so quiet and well mannered these last eight years of G being on the board, he hadn’t ever laughed with me.

We laughed this day over folks who scream at owners running for the board. Two of the ones now running had quit over this issue. We laughed over the control freaks running the “Meet and Greet.” We all ran for home two minutes after the bell.

They can get more involved without us.

1 comment:

  1. My take is the more I ever get involved with anything political, even at the very locaslist of areas, the more disillusioned I become or should I say cynical. I understand.



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