December 21, 2009


Tree’s of a different color, Target 2009.

Himself: Drove up north, breakfast with a mom focused 4 year old, presents, love, home, play for a while, new job at the meeting, bed. Today: breakfast, swine flu shot, laundry, pack, eat out. Tomorrow is Breakfast in LJ at 0645, board ship, sail away in the midst of a rain storm.

Herself: Ditto G’s list yesterday. Today: Packing is going to be interesting because we plan on taking so little. Sail away is going to be interesting too.

Reading: Nothing today yet.

Balance: Eating out.

To take with me on the trip, I chose two previously read books. May Sarton’s “At Seventy” carry’s a thread of depression, and to balance this I tucked one of Elizabeth Cadell’s light paperbacks into the big backpack.

Last time aboard I was too tired to enjoy life after that long 21 inning game. If I wasn’t grumpy, I was grumpy. Perhaps someone should have just dropped me in the hot tub and boiled me for breakfast. I found the library a freezing cold space, and none of the books I brought held my attention. This time I will probably read more as well as live more. This time, maybe I will give the library a chance.

It’s supposed to be a fun ship and a stress relieving trip.

The Geeeee-zer is taking a hundred bucks and will have some of his fun in the casino. He wins. If I go in there, I lose. Losing isn’t fun for me. So I will read. I will people watch, they have AA meetings aboard….hopefully not right at dinner time, they have silly game things, and they have tons of silly stuff for the non-drinker. I will play on the laptop as I watch the ocean slide by the windows and portholes.

And I will start the trip wearing one of G’s patches as we sail out into rain showers. Just as I don’t have time to die with the “h1n1” virus….most deaths here have been in my age range, I don’t have time to be sea sick on a vacation.

We will let you know how it all goes on our return.

Happy Holidays to you all.

1 comment:

  1. Ah so you are gone already. (I'm reading this backwards.) Wish I couldh've wished you bon voyage, but I'll bet you manage just fine anyhow. Enjoy yourselves and throw all your worries overboard.



Celebration of Life