April 13, 2012

Margins and Other Salsa's

  • All of a sudden, my Student Word shows each page without a margin at the top.  All the settings are the same as those I’ve always used.  They match up perfectly with the basic template I use to blog every day, but each page opens right smack at the top.  It’s driving me mad and G has no solution for this Windows Annoyance.  If any of you have any ideas, do let me know.

  • I finished the poem about forgetting, and I used this 1967 photo of my two daughters to illustrate it.  The opening lines of the first stanza say:

    Once long ago I drove off and forgot
    my children  They were home, tucked safe in bed.
    I was far across town when I noticed
    then rushed home at light speed to retrieve them.

    The horror of it still appalls me.  Forgetting your children isn’t socially acceptable even during the hippy years.  Yesterday I managed to forget my teeth, found on Grumpy’s floor, and my watch, found under my desk upstairs.  I did have a grand time finding this shot of two happy kids to illustrate the horror of it all tho.  I Photoshopped the shot, taken by my ex-husband, to make it clearer.  Below is the unaltered but scanned shot.  I’m pleased with the changes I made.

  • There’s a huge, cold, Alaskan storm heading our way.  Showers in the morning changing to pouring rain by two.  Inland winds of 70 miles per hour are expected.  They’ve been lightening his work load and giving him Zero new wrecks a day.  Zero seems to turn into more than that, but he is still home two to three hours early a day every day.  He works Monday and Tuesday next week as an outside adjuster.  Wednesday morning the other Auditor’s fly in, and G will join them in Carlsbad at the company headquarters.  We have lift off.

  • I’m supposed to be the leader at tonight’s meeting.  Tho it’s mostly newcomers, and they don’t mind what you say, I don’t think they are ready for my fragmented thinking.  I intelligently skipped Speech Arts 3 in college opting for another Speech Class which was wordless.  I’ve gotten far worse since then…..duh.  So I will pick a topic I can manage easily like Gratitude, and I should be able to fly with that.

  • The worst thing of all yesterday was that I used a Martha Stewart recipe for the dinner salad.  Sliced avocado on a plate topped with a tomato cilantro dressing.  Did I ever say I hate Martha’s show.  She sounds so superior.  Now I have to confess, this light salad was delicious, and I will serve it again.  Oh, I hang my head.


  1. I love the photos!!! And I respect your candor!

    I hope it all works out into an interesting and great day.

    And yeah, I like Martha's recipes. too. My fav is her mac and cheese -- it's a serious yum!

  2. It's a margin issue. Go to Page Layout. Then find Margins. Then find Top. Adjust that one. That should make it all better.

    LOVE the photo!

  3. Ooops! Sorry! Go to CUSTOM SETTINGS and change the top margin.

  4. Ooh, Poolie got here first. I have discovered several "automatic updates," in which something got fixed when it wasn't broken.

    It then becomes our job to figure out what they did so we can fix what is "now broken." Much harder to do these days, since they tend to hide the innards.

    The second update this week -- the computer rebooted last night -- seems to have been to my email, which used to know my name and now greets me as Empress.

  5. Those happy little faces made me smile. Almost everyone I know has forgotten their kids somewhere. My sister left her first baby with me while she went to a meeting and had a chat with me afterwards and then she drove off. Neither of us remembered she'd come for the baby snoozing in my bedroom. She came back in about half an hour.

  6. I only had one child and I didn't drive when he was young so I couldn't forget him. I love the photo of your girls...
    Glad you had a good day in spite of losing a few things....
    Re previous blog...books and Nutella...it must have been a grand day indeed.

  7. That is a wonderful photo. Really captures the spirit of the girls! At least you cooking Paula Dean recipes.

  8. That photo is full of youth. As parents, we all do things that we'd rather not admit to. I admire that you can do that. The computer frustration seems so overwhelming sometimes. It shouldn't happen with all of the technology.

  9. If driving off and forgetting your kids is the worst thing you do as the mother of young kids, you deserve a medal.

    Motherhood is the toughest job in the world.


    PS I love the photo of kids on the move.



Celebration of Life