May 10, 2014

The Tenth Already: Plus the Eleventh

Leaving Aruba.  Showing this shot of me because Seedys wanted to see my short and curly hair.

Saturday: Off into the hinterlands a day early.  Today we see Margot and Zoe at a going out of business sale for Coldwater Creek.  Showering now.  Taking lunch.  We will come back down, and he will go to the museum.  I’ll hit the Auto museum, the Mingei Museum, And nap over a book until fourish.  Dinner with the Captain and her sister, Mia.  That will be fun.

Sunday:  And it was fun tho we both ate too much.  Desert was my too much.  Today we have had a truly skimpy breakfast and are armed for a heavier lunch.  Shortly we will be off to the ballpark on its tenth anniversary.  I was fascinated by this downtown structure while it was being built, and was just as fascinated all the years I worked there.  For a brief moment, I was one of their good employees.  So today, just for the fun of it, I shall wear my diamond MVP pin to the game.

Why not.                         

  • Himself:  He’s working too hard.
  • Herself:  Disappointed in the number of notes I got on the Borscht Belt piece.  Sun here, but getting horribly hot by next week.  Today is a long pant and sunscreen kind of day.  Meeting tonight so I will lay out good stuff for the evening.
  • Reading:  Skimming the book on Frigates.  Still.
  • Stuff:  Letting go of more and pleased Margot is too.


    1. Time just flies by anymore. Going to breakfast with the elder son -- an early Mother's Day gift. We don't see him nearly enough. Glad you have your daughter and family close by. Hugs, me

    2. Miss you when you are away.I'm away
      too. Going to theDegas- Cassatt exhibit this week. Haves great day and happy mom's day to you!

    3. Like your hair, looks lively and soft. The Coldwater Creek store here already closed. Got some goodies at the Outlet place. Have fun.

    4. I can see you have lost weight in the photo. You also look happy...really happy! Sorry your writing piece did not get more reads. I sometimes am sad that something I thought was an interesting post gets little or few comments. But I am not a serious writer, as you are, so I just shrug and move on.

    5. I thought I left a comment earlier today. Getting du lolly? Anyway, the girls were discussing the demise of CWC in the locker room. Perhaps the marketers at LandsEnd will get smart and pick up the slack. Love your curly photo.

    6. So when do readers like me get to see the Borsch Belt piece?

    7. I was interested in how the Borsch Belt started. I knew about the area and that many comedians got their start there but didn't realize why it was established. Glad you are keeping so busy. Time just seems to fly by for me and I'm not sure why except I spend too much time on the computer.

    8. I had such a great time with you guys the other night. You are delightful!

    9. Somehow, I suspected you were descended from one of those wily bankers of Henry's.

      My daughter told me yesterday she had a happy childhood. Hope she means it. She's going through hell with with alcoholic spouse #2. Awful,butI I can't fix it..

      Talked with my son,and planning my visit Halloween weekend. Coming on Wednesday,returning on Sunday.



    Celebration of Life