October 3, 2015


George has headed off to Balboa Park early today.  There’s a maker’s Faire throughout the park today, and the Automotive Museum is very much a part of all of it.  What’s a Maker’s Faire?  Handmade things that are unique and special.  The Bike maker who uses bamboo, for instance.  He will be in the museum itself.  Out in front is a battle pond where gamers like G can fight one on one with models.

I recommend seeing the pictures on Poolies blog https://poolagirl.wordpress.com/>Here to see more of the creativity in the park today.

  • Himself:  Park, estate sale.
  • Herself:  Working on that last Third Reich piece.
  • Reading:  Still on a complicated David Baldacci.
  • Gratitudes:  The sun is out but the windows and doors are all open.



    Celebration of Life