April 10, 2016

Being Social

The Conehead and I in 1984

·       G and I have had a very social year so far.  He came back from the convention reduced to his usual delightful self.  Now that he’s home again, he sits in his corner office with little light and refuses to turn on his sunlight lamp.  I find myself caretaking him, and he absolutely hates that.  I'm upset with myself for doing it.  I don’t blame him or me.
·       Yes, I did it.  I emailed off the cover letter and manuscript for “Maggie Says No” to the agent I chose.  I know my odds are low, but everyone laughs when it is read.  Each agent must get thousands of books to read every year, but the laughter gives me hope.
·       Yogurt with CBS Sunday morning.  The money issue today.  I would have liked to see more strange jobs as I didn’t think chewing gum removal odd.  I did that when I worked at SDSU.  Lunch today with the Conehead at the Shop.  It’s Volunteer Appreciation day.  Later in our Sunday-go-to meeting clothes, we have a business meeting.  I suppose business meetings are necessary in the scope of things, but they do seem to clutter up life while offering little gain.
·       I have fallen to my level of competency at our Sunday night meeting.  I baked sheet cakes ok, but I’ve done that twice with the Conehead’s help.  I wasn’t very good at bell ringing as I never knew when to ring it…I was enthusiastic tho.  This time, my job is Basket Person.  This I can do. 


  • Himself:  Thinking of life as a retired person.  Shopping.  Really enjoying meeting new people.

  • Herself:  Trying hard to win out over my horrid habits.  I’d always rather be reading than quilting or doing chores.

  • Reading:  Longmire.  Each commercial is about one to two pages.

  • Gratitudes:  That I’m more myself lately.


    1. That Conehead mask was good that year.

    2. Love the Conehead. From France!

    3. Anyone else note the velveteen sheen of Conehead's jacket?? LOL Oh my... talk about dating a photo!! Funny, I thought about my sunlamp just the other day and wondered why I didn't pack it to bring down here; there's usually more than enough sunshine and I do get out and walk every day. Four days and counting!

    4. Good grief! That conehead is really something. You're being loving, Mage.

      You wrote a book? Wow! That's awesome!



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