June 24, 2019


A warrior of some sort in a very carefully made uniform.

George is counting the days till Comic Con.  I know that going will keep my mind off myself in the coming weeks.  Looking at the pictures will occupy me until we get there.  These are not the best of the best, but they all have something that says “unique.”

An elaborately constructed costume of what I do not know.

A colorful pair, perhaps a princess and her bodyguard.

Here’s a happy one.


A Jedi and his lady.
All armor and mail is made by the owner.…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

  • Himself:  Hard at work today.  Taking me to the hospital tomorrow.

  • Myself:  Today pool, laundry, lunch and more laundry.  Tomorrow to Scripps Mercy for a biopsy or two.  Later comes the pet scan.  The Doc doesn’t want to wait.

  • Photo:  All mine.

  • Reading:  Thought I would start AML’s Diaries and Letters.

  • Gratitude’s:  G is so very kind


    1. I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow, Mage.

      Great characters in those photos.

    2. I like your photos. They are distracting. Keeping you in my prayers Mage.

    3. I am impressed by the mail. Manufacturing all that is no easy feat. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.

    4. Top pic is a Cobra Crimson Guard Officer from G.I.Joe
      Dunno what the second one is.
      3rd are Captain Cold and Star Sapphire from DC Comics
      4th is Slash from Guns n' Roses the rock band

    5. How in the world do you manage to score tickets? I hear they sell out fast and are hard to get.

    6. Those costumes are amazing and so creative.
      Hope you get results from the biopsy right away and know where you stand. Praying for you that the bullet misses.

    7. It's quite an event. Apparently, there is a little one in Ottawa but very little. I just learned that recently.

    8. Best of luck with the scan outcomes. I know we all think about Poolie and worry about ourselves.

    9. I am obviously way behind. Hubby has a bad cold, a friend has a broken down car, and we had a booth on the weekend. Those are my excuses and I am sticking to them. I hope today is smooth, quick and you can be patient with the outcome.

    10. I posted something wishing you well, but it must have been lost by either me, the internet, or a crash. I am always taken back a bit (must be my sheltered life) that so much skin is freely open for view.

    11. Changed a couple of settings so am trying to leave a comment -- again. Will be thinking of you tomorrow!!!

    12. Well, I got to this point where I can actually leave a message, but then it got cancelled. :/

    13. I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you Mage. I'm glad you've got Comic Con to take your mind off of things (sort of). Cyber hug for G for taking such good care of you. Those costumes are pretty darn awesome! I can just imagine how much effort it takes to create them.



    Celebration of Life