September 25, 2019


There they were.  Three golden leaves to greet my eyes this morning.  So unexpected.  Just those on that one big tree.  They gave me joy just by being there.

I had a very-not-ok day yesterday.  A pain in my side kept me in agony most of the day, but I slept like a champ.  Sitting up sleep means I don’t cough.  My blood pressure is high, my sense of humor is pretty ok tho.   G hovers and I am very grateful. 

The regular RN comes in and says my O2 saturation level at 97 is really good for the second day in a row.  Then the PT lady comes in, goes through an appallingly long list of exercises I have to do to retain myself, and tells me in the end that I am really excellent.  Since today I am not in agony, I agree.  

  • Himself:  He’s caught up.
  • Myself:  Coughing vastly less
  • Photo:  Mine.
  • Reading:  Still Amish myseteries.
  • Gratitude’s:  George and the Home care.


  1. That’s good news, Mage. Glad it’s better than yesterday!

  2. And tomorrow will be better yet. One day at a time.

  3. This photo reminds me of the O.Henry story, The Last Leaf. It's beautiful.

  4. You're on the road to recovery! One day at a time... healing hugs to you...

  5. So sorry about the pain and happy today is better. 97% O2 is great. Know those exercises seem like a bummer but they will help you heal. Keep up the great work.

  6. You're brave. Keep on keeping on.

  7. Exercises will return you to normal. Do as much as you can. I am glad your humor is intact as that will also help you heal. You are surrounded by good people. Yes, seasonal changes are also very healing.

  8. Every day is another step towards full recovery! Love you!

  9. Now if we can stop the leak, everything will improve.



Celebration of Life