September 9, 2008

Urban Trees VIII

….or, an adventure in government paperwork.

A Tree For All Seasons: Winter and Spring. All photos Copyright by G, 2008.

Himself: Said the office was quiet. Had a good day as an research specialist.

Herself: Finished the last of the Stephanie Plum series….one right after the other. It’s a shame they don’t go on forever. Still struggling with Photoshop. New one won't save as a jpg, old one will.

Food: Dinner was a real cheese omelet, English muffin, and a slice of melon. Really good real food.
After talking with Bee, I arrived at the bank knowing what I needed. No birth certificate there. Armed with what I could find, my SS card, two forms of picture ID, two months of bank statements, and my latest SS letter showing what I get, I headed downtown via the Old Town park-and-ride and the trolley.

Did I forget to take the address with me? Yes, but I was armed here too with my ass-saving-kit. ASK. I did. Go three blocks up and one over. I could do that then miscounted and found myself on the back of the building and had to use my ass-saving-kit yet again. Using the acronym helps me overcome my shyness about asking for assistance. Yes, I can be shy. Sometimes I feel like a very old woman too.

There was a long line of mostly younger people outside the building, and there was a two hour wait inside the building…..which took me well past lunchtime before I saw a too soft spoken woman. She handed me forms to fill out for Medicare part B, told me I already had Part A….the hospitalization, which I hadn’t known I had, and sent me off to get my insurer to fill out the forms.

I grabbed a brownie and Diet Coke at a 7-11 by the trolley station and got home, without lunch, an hour before going to the store and dinner.

After an early supper, I called our insurance provider to find out where to mail the forms. It would have to be done through overnight mail so I could qualify in the last month of the extended signup period. They never heard of this form, never heard of verifying a persons insurance yet they do have a Medicare department, and I was left dithering. G and I decided to run the form through his HR department today in hopes of getting it back and down there tomorrow.

It’s all relative, and in this case eating on time turned out to be more important than paperwork.

Port of San Diego, Urban Trees. With links to five years of trees.

A Tree for All Seasons: Summer.

A Tree for All Seasons: Fall, detail.

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