November 19, 2008

19th - 1: Look what G Found

Black Friday Deal Page from Mr. ShopTillYouDrop…see link below.

Himself: Had a ball now at the bottom of a whole new hierarchy. Never boring.

Herself: Sat Read, Saw Doctor with one surprising result…..I am dramatically allergic to Lidocane....which I had known from the dentist's office, and no total agony with Marcane. Surgery needed for both the trigger finger and the carpal tunnel. Planning this around G’s schedule. Home, sat, read. Dinner had too much acidy tomatoes. I’ll fix it for second go around. Love the calls from my eldest and email from my youngest.

Here you go. Here’s the link to all the preposted ads for those of you who shop-til-you-drop on Black Friday. And you are out there, I know. If G thinks this funny, you might laugh too.

Nirvana for all of you shoppers can be found at Black Friday @ Gotta

1 comment:

  1. The Black Friday sale is the season for shopping and at this season, prices go down and there usually comes a reward for every item purchased.



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