November 21, 2008


USS Midway being moved next to Navy Pier, San Diego, 2004. Satellite view of the final move up to the pier. Copyright Tom Bateman, Navsource. Middle: Four tugs move her into place. Next to bottom: Past crew members handling the lines. Bottom: A friend of ours on the bridge bringing her home.

  • Himself: Got his stuff moved to the new desk near the window. New monitors……all the same so he sees his work all the same, and a talk with his immediate boss about raises. She got the same as he did last time: 3%. He can only do his volunteer training on the weekends, so there's no training for him on the Midway yet. We are disappointed.

  • Herself: Thursday: A quiet day while using one finger. Vastly less agony today. Friday: Working today at the Cancer Society for three hours. Dinner out.

  • Life is just powdered sugar this week. I sit, usually with a book on a pillow in my lap, and life sifts lightly around me. I’ve let everything grind to a halt to give the shots time to work, and they are....somewhat. Today I get three hours of volunteering to push stuff around at the thrift shop….one of my favorite things to do, and I will use my right hand as little as possible. The only thing I am not good at one fingeredly is chopping, slicing, and dicing dinner with a nice big knife.

  • I need to write my broker. As the stock market falls further than further, there’s been nothing but silence from his end. Communication helps those of us who are monetarily falling on their faces.

  • The Salvation Army lady in charge of the Adopt a Family program is dowm with strep throat. She did call. That was kind of her. Poor thing sounded truly awful. She will call again today. Perhaps we can help with Christmas too.

  • I’ll add more if I think of more. Somehow, I don’t seem to be a more person at this moment, but that can change.

1 comment:

  1. wow! what excellent photos!!! what a rich mosiac of a site! thank you! You make ME smile! (good luck with that finger...and finances) xoxo bowsprite



Celebration of Life