November 26, 2008

Playing for Change

Playing For Change: Connecting the world through music. YouTube. Inspiring. And if you cannot open that video, do stop by this link as it’s a very well done piece:

Playing for Change

…or paste this into your browser:

Himself: Several folks noticed his face at last. Confusion over company potluck. He will bring olives not desert. Has to work Friday.

Forgot to set alarm last night. Pouring rain this morning with multiple freeway blockages and 5 North shut down. I jammed food in lunch bucket, poured coffee, and he made it to work just in time.

Herself: Influenced by other’s thinking again. Physically feeling better as one of my favorite allergies was removed yesterday…dust mite poo. The house remains total chaos, the floors are still wet this morning, and our housekeeper is due any moment.

One of those days I don’t usually let myself have. Perhaps it was the reality of it all pressing in.

I was bothered by all those itchy spots I can do nothing about. Ah well.

I was depressed after listening to the broker’s voice as he reviewed my folder and told me of all the new federal regulations. I finally broke out of that darkness just as G was to arrive home and Carrie called to invite us to Thanksgiving dinner. How kind of her but we are comfortable here this year with a soupcon of volunteering here or there and a little something to eat here.

I did hear from my eldest who did make it to her fire class yesterday. Single mothers with sick babysitters still have to go to class. At least she has learned to communicate with her instructor. I haven’t heard from the youngest, but Marie tells me Lenora’s boss lent her the OB Tahoe, and they will be off to the wilds of Arizona before dawn. They can’t see me, but I am waving. Have a great trip. Say hi to all from us.

Best of all, the house remains total chaos. The floors are still wet this morning, everything is still as it was yesterday for the carpet shampooing, and our housekeeper is due any moment. I’m going to take a shower even if I have to dodge everything that’s supposed to be in the bedroom, wait for M to arrive, and make it to the writing workshop no matter how late I am.


The front stairs came really clean, and the back stairs came out like a miracle. Wow…death to the dust mites.


  1. A Happy Thanksgiving to you and G. and the rest of the family! I love the video. Posted it myself a while back, but it does the heart good to watch it again. What wonders music brings to our lives. Just wanted to thank you for your blog and all your comments. They mean much to me.

  2. Just stopping in to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for your friendship!



Celebration of Life