November 10, 2008

What's in a Purse

The contents of my purse.

Himself: He had fun but got shopped out. Imagine. Not quite himself still.

Herself: Looking for blingy dress for the cruise and for a medium brown pair of shoes I can put on by myself. Not only can I not reach the bottom of the right foot, but I cannot “sand” it or tie a shoe on that foot. My only brown shoes need to be tied. Up early this morning after late argument with G.

Food: I ate wildly for the third day. Coffee. Grape Nuts and rice milk. Scrambled eggs, bacon, blueberry muffin with that fluffy butter, and cottage cheese. Coffee with sugar. Dinner: Chicken in red sauce over pasta. WW Bar.

  • “What do I have in my purse?” I’m asked by NoJoMo. “Eclectic stuff”, I answer:

    There’s a hair brush, a tiny but potent flashlight, and five pens in five different colors. There’s a poppy for Veteran’s Day too. My keys: The truck key with the club key, and a clicker, the front door, and my gym lock key….with the lock all on a long red lanyard. There’s a nice thick pad I found in a wreck many years ago, a doctor’s receipt, and a US Bank thingy telling me how much they think is in my checking account. There’s a ten dollar gift certificate to the Discovery shop too. Somebody drew a heart on it.

    A fingernail file, two dollars, three lipsticks……yes, I use one and drop it in. There’s a chapstick……..the weather has been dry, and dental floss. Now in my old age, my teeth have gaps that attract food. I mind my gaps.

    Oh, look……there’s a five dollar bill too.

    There’s a brand new camera bag……thanks G. It has one more zipped compartment, and tho it’s small, everything fits nicely. A very handy find today at Ross……along with my new, self sufficient brown shoes. Loose tissues and a pad are in a corner.

    And a thin leather wallet. Not my regular one. I leave that at home. This one has my Y card, my drivers license, a Golden Age Passport if I should care to drop in at the lighthouse at the top of the point and dream a while. My debit card for emergencies…..a cover thy ass card. Lastly, perhaps most importantly, my insurance card. In the real wallet that I leave home, are the CC’s, the membership cards, and cards of cards and cards. One has to have those.

  • At the fat ladies store, Great Curves, I found a long black bling thing that makes me look svelte and filled with a dignity I don’t really possess. A simple black dress……polyester, I am sure, with a nice golden on black blingy, long sleeved jacket to go over it. I tried it on, and there was an immediate transformation. I had to laugh. They had a mid ‘80’s crushed velvet Empire waisted dress for ten bucks that I couldn’t resist too. Hippy me. I’ll run it through the cleaners and wear it for Christmas after I take up the shoulders by at least three inches. Remember those giant shoulders we had in the 80’s?

  • I was up on and off most of Sunday night woken by the wild winds and the lights blinking on my face through the trees. Silly me, I never was able to wake up quite enough to shut the curtains. I’m sure you too have had nights like these. The wind kept wuthering, and I kept waking. This morning, the wind kept blowing, the sky was brown as the dust of ages spread everywhere. Everything was very dramatic including the sneezes.

  • The latest photo album continues on it’s very slow way to completion. For two days, I’ve been on the first day in San Francisco. Maybe tomorrow, I will reach the second day.

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