March 23, 2009

Cooking Up Spring

Himself: Was not a happy camper and did very well with the removal of his Linus blanket to the repair shop. Later he discovered that he gave away some components of his old computer so there’s no longer any sound.

Herself: Stayed quiet. Looked up cookbooks online. Smiled. Ate too much this weekend, but walked 3 hours. Took yesterday off of exercise.

Reading: Cookbooks.

Balance: Exercise. Today.

Caught my attention: The Collectors Weekly page on collecting cookbooks is delightful. Check out the Flickr Photo Pool site on cookbook covers. Left me with a smile. Pages like the The Global Gourmet or Old Cookbooks Lost and Found are fascinating but haven’t been updated lately.

I confess, I collect cookbooks. At first, I just gathered them all in. New, old, battered, shredded, what ever condition, they had a home with me. I had the shelves, they were interesting, so why not. Then one day I woke up to the fact that I had run out of shelf space. I moved books around and began to specialize. Soon even those shelves grew tight.

I confess again……I love those fundraising cookbooks. The Greek recipe collection discovered this weekend from Saint Spiridon’s Greek Orthodox Church is one of those. As is the exceptionally nicely bound “Choice Recipes” from the Phoenix Eighth Ward Relief Society that I won’t keep because it isn’t local. I couldn’t leave it sit there on the floor though, could I?

The purple binder bound “Food For The Journey,” is a fiftieth year compilation of goodies from the Clairemont Lutheran Church and was shelved without a look. It sat there for weeks being very purple until I pulled it down yesterday. I wanted something different for dinner, and I opened the book to discover treasured dishes from Norway.

“I want something simple this week,” G said when asked what he would like to eat for dinner this week. “Baked potatoes. A squash. Salad. Small portions.” Those don’t sound very Norwegian to me. Perhaps we didn’t lose enough weight?

Once I get warm and dry after my water workout, I’m sure I’ll find something small, low calorie, and Weight Watcher approved in some slim volume on my shelves.



  1. Love your pictures. Good stuff.

  2. We should compare our cookbook titles some day. I'm crazy about them too, in spite of the fact that I hate to cook these days. I have some great collections too. From CIA and old Red Cross collections and lost recipes to white trash cooking... And I propose that your tombstone epitaph read: ... what else could she do but lay down and die? she ran out of shelf space!



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