April 14, 2009

Architectural Details

Our ship will look like this. 2008.

Himself: Quiet but beginning to look up travel details.

Herself: Browsing the Ryndam from home online. Browsing packing lists. I like the One Bag list because it keeps things simple…tho there are other wonderful lists.

Reading: Nothing……between books, imagine.

Balance: Taking pictures at the bay.

Caught my attention: A Glossary of Architectural Terms.

We leave in three weeks for Alaska.

It’s not like taking a train trip. Nope. You can’t just pack and run downtown to get on the train. One now needs a two inch deep pile of “Travel Documents,” which include luggage tags and instructions to which we have added passports and endless lists.

Luggage thoughts preoccupy us. For eleven days going up and back to Vancouver, luggage size doesn’t matter just luggage contents. The coming home luggage details, like Alaska Airlines suitcase size limit, send himself running down two flights to measure the bigger suitcase we are bringing. We are saved the extra charges by one inch. Hurrah….and it’s not a very big suitcase. We can also have the suitcases delivered directly from the ship to Alaska Air and bypass a lot of fuss for 16 bucks.

Worse for me, I’m known to forget things. I’ve become paranoid in my old age with shivers of fear running through my brain at the thought of leaving a med behind. Three days without the palliative for my IBS….would I be dead? Agony.

Instead of practical considerations like that, I’ve been focusing on what to wear. The goal is to spend no extra money at all. If I lost ten more pounds, I could do this. Since I am still ten pounds fatter than last year, I will probably just look like a fat slut poured into my stretch polyester formal gown. The other one isn’t stretch.

I have two pair of levis that fit, a million shirts, my favorite sweater, a new coat…..and more layers than a good Italian lasagna. But I do not own two pair of walking shoes, as HAL recommends, nor do I want to wear one pair of pants to dinner for eleven nights. So I’m working on this.

Himself’s in clothing denial.

I ask, “Have you tried on your suit yet?”

“I will.”


Who am I to push it. The one new/used black formal gown I plan on squeezing into is the one I haven’t tried on since I bought it.

I may find time to try things on this weekend. We were supposed to travel round Balboa Park with G’daughter Beth helping her with her architectural homework on Sunday. Sunday is Earth Day in the park. “Take Public Transportation,” says every site. I guess we will change the day.

I’ve been working on her list for two weeks now, and if I thought Dr. Higgens was tough in my Graduate architecture classes, this teacher is just as bad. Beth lives an hour and a half outside of downtown, and this little detail isn’t’ important to the teacher. The instructor says everything on the list can be found in the park and downtown.

Perhaps Beth has needed to be photographing stuff for weeks while I have needed to reduce my pediment and camber for weeks. Maybe too, I should wear my stretch and cubic zirconium while counting arcades or archivolts….what ever that last is, just to shame those last ten pounds off.

I’ll let you know if we all survive this dash into architectural history on all levels.

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