April 18, 2010


As the boats head back to the dock from “Beer Canning,”
a San Diego bay race tradition, I notice half way up the
point another front yard that’s all Mesembryanthemum, 2010.

National Poetry Month: Poems.coom offers a new poem every day.

Himself: Said we were going sink and paint chip shopping today.

Herself: Not organized at all.

Reading: Nothing.

Gratitude: My enchiladas and beans were good, the desert was scrumptious. Oh! Yes! One never knows what’s going to happen.

Only one couple for dinner. You would have laughed at me. My brain wouldn’t stay focused, and I scattered my enthusiasms where ever they would go dithering here and dithering there. After a brief pause, I was laughing at me too.

I, who used to serve dinner for up to twenty folks every night, barely got in under the wire with a dinner for four though I started at noon. Among the other amusements, we had to go to the store twice, and I had to walk back over once all on my own. Forgetfulness was us. Should I confess to this? It’s a good thing I saved the email telling me what she would eat and not eat. She didn’t eat red meat. Only when I got the can of Costco beans open did I discover that they were 2% lard.

That wouldn’t do.

While I was at the store picking up no fat beans, and they did taste pretty darned good with the addition of sour cream and minced green onions, I grabbed a jar of chocolate sauce. Chocolate chip cake with real whipped cream and chocolate sauce is to die for…. not get thin over. Ah well.

Enchilada’s, beans, tossed green salad that she brought and desert necessitated moving all the furniture in the living room to seat four at the table. The glasses and dessert plates needed soap and water. The freshly washed dishes I was going to use wouldn’t work because I could find only one of the brilliantly multi-colored placemats. At least the brown dishes and silver were clean. Brown is not gay and colorful.

We all had fun. They liked the house….a first visit, we will bring MB along next time….tho she can’t eat all that sugar, and we made plans to laugh again. I laughed at the mess this morning then laughed to think that maybe we should have someone else over to help eat the leftovers.

Laughter is such functional stuff.


  1. Oh I am sooooo glad i found you! I could have written this post! I'll be back, again and again. LR

  2. I've been living alone so long that I'd be lost cooking dinner for four!!! Your dinner sounds awesome! I have a sign above my stove that reads:

    The best thing I make for dinner is . . . reservations!

  3. Sounds just like me if cooking were up to me. Thank goodness I have Bob. Sounds like it was a fun evening.

  4. Dinner sounds lovely, and laughter is so good for the soul.

  5. Laughter, gratitude, making dinner for friends. Mmm!! what could be better?

  6. Can well understand how your sort of lose the touch if you haven't cooked for many in the last years. My mother-in-law used to cook every day (every meal) for her husband and nine children. I really can't imagine doing this. We also used to have a lot more people dropping over for dinner in the past. Your description of all the laughter makes we want to invite some friends over right away.

  7. I also used to make large dinner parties easily. Now, it's the planning that gets to me. Oh well!

  8. It's a gift to be able to laugh at oneself. My cooking skills have diminished over the years and I've lost the joy of cooking 'for the boys.' The family are fine because most of them love cooking but the memory of the dinner parties one used to give brings me out in a cold sweat.
    Another nugget of wisdom I've learned is that guests love nothing more than a relaxed hostess.
    Your meal sounds yummy:)



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