August 4, 2010

Bag Art

One of the giant Swag Bags given away at Comic Con. 2010.

Yesterday and Today

My Babylonian Captivity: Do stop in and read Tugster's newest blog. Tugster was captured in Iran when Iraq invaded.

Himself: We both went north and picked up Lessa at the Ford dealership, once home, he job shopped, while I puttered. His blood work results came in with dramatic lowering all around. Hoooo…rah.

Herself: The quilt blog While we were north, we got MJ set up with a couple of outfits for school from Amvets. Puttered, cut fabric, worked on piece for Thursday, made salad to go with quiche for dinner. Gee, we feel so much better without so much fake sugar.

Gratitude: Being able to be one of the multitudes to help Lessa. We all know a good thing when we see one.

I confess. I like those big swag bags one sees at Comic Con. Not only do I think them funny, I’m amazed at how much weighty stuff one can get in them and have them keep on holding stuff.

Sometimes I get fascinated by the trivia around me. Why my lens kept wandering away from perfectly amazing Steampunk to bags, I will never know.


  1. The look like they've been to Ikea!

  2. My shoulder hurts just looking at those bags. Bet they did a lot of bumping into people and things also.

    Always good to hear Lessa is doing well.

  3. Those are huge bags! Fun to see though.

  4. I like the bags, too!
    I do believe you've discovered another art form!!!

  5. Now you can go shopping and fill them up with new clothes and chocolates made with real sugar...isn't that a good idea?



Celebration of Life