June 14, 2011


Yesterday and Today
Himself: Still working right up to the moment we left for a tour of the new gym.

Herself: Did too much: laundry through shopping and dinner, I was the ultimate in hourfraus.

Purelandmountain.com offers the latest news from Japan on days he isn’t fighting his local fauna.

I do not want to part with these whites, blues
and greens that carry with them such fond
memories, such daring dreams, remembered
hopes that sag now from behind, or just bag

even as the modern fabrics stretch. Most
breathed their last before I bought them, now they
lean timidly from their many hangers
waiting till I reach for them closeted

in their rows. From the neighboring thrift store
these two tans came, and these three greens stopped by
just for a too short visit. These four jeans
would still be mine if they bent with the times.

Someone else will cruise or travel far in
tired white or blue. I crisply dream anew.


  1. Very well done. I have many pairs of jeans which are still mine but are no longer bending with my.. the times. ;)

  2. I rid myself of all my clothes to small for me. I like to think someone will find some use for them. If I get thin again, someone will be able to use my fat clothes. I love recycling. Also love your use of the word.

  3. Love the colorful word picture along with the photo of the closet. I, too, have some beloved aging clothing that I wish I could restore to better and thinner days.

  4. Our clothes are just visitors aren't they, well put and thanks.

  5. I love your prose about clothes..

  6. Beautiful imagery!!! I think this is one of your best!!!!!

  7. What beautiful imagery your words transmit! Love this!
    And congrats on your POTW

  8. Fun to read. I must start colour coding.

  9. I understand completely!

    Congratulations on your POTW!

  10. Lovely poem. And one I completely can embrace. I feel I've stayed the same, so why do my old jeans not fit?

    Congrats on your POTW!



Celebration of Life