May 17, 2012


Photo taken in Mexico, land of the salsas.

I’ve not been making the best decisions lately.  Using salsa to replace fats and salt is a good idea.  For an example of a bad idea, I bought a new cookbook on the Salsa’s of the world.  Nope, the ingredient list for most of the salsas was so not of my world I couldn’t make them.

Yesterday I found a San Diego Cookbook at the store which had a whole chapter of simple salsa’s I can make. 

Another bad decision.  I bought a pound of ground turkey, and I used it the day after I bought it.  The plastic on top had expanded.  “But I just bought it,” I said to myself.  And I used it…very bad decision.  Why the heck did I do that?  So out went dinner and out went the Geezer and foolish wife to dinner.  Why didn’t I just take it back…she says hitting herself upside the head.

Yesterday, I made a decision to stop on the way home and buy some hamburger.  Actual ground beef….not soy, not turkey, not a substitute.  I can hear Bee yelling at me now….”Do you want to die?”  With Mad Cow disease back in the system, she has a point.  They are still feeding cows cows.  They haven’t broken the cycle of the disease yet.  But I bought beef and made meat loaf. 

I’ve got to say.  We really enjoyed that meatloaf. 


  1. Sometimes you have to think these things through. Weigh the actual risk against the scares they are publicizing.

    I'm wary of ground poultry -- it spoils so fast even if it's not ground -- so I feel safer with ground beef. So far, I didn't die.

  2. Well, I made a Mexican casserole with a lb of ground beef. Excellente! Lol.

  3. I can eat salsa with a spoon! Love it! Just the plain one with lots of cilantro. I have a very simple set of taste buds.

  4. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do! Even if that means eating hamburger. I hope your recipe book has a simple mango salsa in it. Yum!

  5. Your decisions aren't so egregious. Now eating the ground turkey would have been really bad!!!

    Is the Monarch of the Seas a Royal Caribbean ship?

    I just love salsa!!

  6. Buy the grass-fed stuff from a local farm. Also, David loves meatloaf, I don't. I made some a week or two ago with chopped Crimini mushrooms. Pretty good.

  7. I have found an organic farmers market with Amish meat and we get our steak and lamb from there. Expensive yes! But we try not to eat too much red meat and the expense keeps us limited.



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