February 15, 2013

A Moment

  • Keeping those on the east coast in my thoughts.

  • Himself:  ”I’m still peachy keeny…got my light going, got my music going…”

  • Herself:  Started writing a piece on Comic Con.  Dinner: We were both fine until it came to the desert tray.

  • Reading:  Some of the 1990’s paperbacks are so filled with acid that they are dark brown and crumble.

  • Balance:  Listening to G.

    1. Nice balance. Have a great weekend.

    2. Hard as it is skip desert except on Fridays. I have learned to settle for two pieces of chocolate which I eat very slowly in front of the TV. Got a wedding in July and I am so in need of weight loss. Elliptical said I did 5 miles today, but I think it is broken because I only ran for 30 minutes!

    3. I feel your pain when it comes to those trays.



    Celebration of Life