February 22, 2013


2012 Midwest train, corn field shot.

At the weekly weigh-in, he didn’t lose weight.  I did, but not much.  We have intensified our morning work outs by going in early.  That’s good stuff.  As soon as the WW Fudge Bar deserts are gone, I shan't buy any more.  Duh.  Yes, I am laughing at myself.

I did rip a hole in my favorite new swim suit yesterday…days are full of little things like this.  In the old days, I would have gotten really upset.  Not now.  I do much better with “places and things” than I used to.  Weight is a thing, I suppose.  Suits with holes are abstractions, and you can’t help feeling dumb about ripping a hole in one.

Cold sunshine this morning.  I was so inspired by the chill of the light that I started a poem.  Is a poem about the cold, grey light of winter a thing?  ….only when it’s done.  Perhaps it’s an abstraction until it’s finished.


  1. I gave all my suits away when I retired. They will have to bury me in flannel and cords I think. As for weight. ODAT. Lost one more pound. Slowly, slowly. Dianne

  2. Kudos to ypu, Dianne and Himself for hanging in there. Too bad WW Fudge Bar desserts and Blue Bell banana split ice cream are not abstractions.

  3. I know I am going blind. I missed the word swim. Too much reading I suppose.

    BTW, i have a plastic box full of swim suits. Got the water shoes in a pile for Goodwill. Dianne

  4. I haven't worn a bathing suit for years..doubt I could even get into one these days. But kudos to both of you for the continuous search for health!

  5. I have all my doors and windows open. DAY OFF for the pirate!

  6. I keep trying to lose weight. I would be happy (and still fat) if I just lost 5 pounds. Just doesn't happen. I should follow your lead and do more exercise. Oh well.

  7. If it's not too big a hole, you can use fabric glue to close it.



Celebration of Life