April 23, 2014

In the Background

Me at sea just beyond El Arco.  2014.

George being helped out of the boat.

My whole world has been photographs since we got home.

I am still processing our pictures, but frankly the number of them overwhelms me.  Some days we took almost two thousand.  I’ve posted four albums of them on Facebook, but I need to edit the too many to a few for a printed album from Snapfish.

Since we got home, we count our points, we go to the gym, he goes to work, and I move the photographs around.  I have not figured out how world traveler, Peter Knego, creates his wonderfully edited albums.  Nor have I figured out how Kay of “Musings” picks the images that tell her travel story so well.

I offer four pictures today from Cabo San Lucas. 

I had wanted to go to El Arco, the arch in the rocks at the very tip of Baja California.  Then, I dreamed of spending a little time on Lovers Beach, that sandy break in the rocks.  Instead of taking a tour out into the desert, we rented a small boat which took us to the rocks and the beach.  Stunning stuff. 

Little surf, warm water, and helpful hands to get us out and into the boat again.

On Lovers Beach with the Island Princess in the background.

I thought this very appropriate.

As I was helped back into the boat, the sand was swept out from under my feet.  Did George get a picture?  No.  So down I went.  I was wet almost to my chin in front, and my backpack was drenched on my back.  My camera was in the backpack.  Even worse, the last day on the ship, I dropped it flat on it's back.

It’s in the shop, and they say it will be back in my hands this week.  I am very blessed that they can repair it.  Indeed.


  1. Glad you weren't hurt or swept out to sea! ;)

    Beautiful beaches and photos. That new header photo amazes me.

  2. That canal is such a fabulous feat of engineering. Too bad its so hot there. Panama is touted as an affordable retirement haven, but only for the heat proof I think. Cabo is much better climate-wise. Sorry you got dunked, more adventure than you needed. Great pictures.

  3. Water accidents happen to me all the time. I frequently cannot get my fins off without a cramp and then I get washed up like a rag on the beach with my head in the sand and my rump in the air. NO PHOTOS! You have lost weight and look mahvelous, dahlink!

  4. Oh my.. it's just so lovely there. The lovely arch just behind you in the first pic is amazing. I'm glad your camera is fixable.. and that you weren't any worse of than.. wet.

  5. Adventures are not always predictable. Glad a happy ending seems ahead for you and camera!

  6. Truth be told, some days I find Kay's images overwhelming. That's me of course. I like what you did today. The photo of el arco and the shot of the beach landing are wonderful. Keep it simple. It works!

  7. It was good to finally get out to El Arco and that beach.

  8. That is a timely warning for my Fjord trip with my new camera.
    Glad you weren't swept away.

  9. Your photos are amazing! What a great trip. Want to see more more more!

  10. You've had wonderful adventures. I also wonder how Kay edits and puts together her adventures.



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