May 18, 2015

The Weekend

Saturday was Balboa Park and Petco Park.  No, the Padres didn’t win, but it was a joy to have Captain Poolie with us.  Both parks looked at their best.  Sunday was a lazy morning, and a visit in the afternoon from Daughter and Granddaughter here to pick up computer anti virus tips. 

  • Himself:  Back to real life after repairing Mary’s computer through Margot.
  • Herself:  Pool, stretching with no belt, Blog, Facebook, groceries, lunch, nap…and back to real life.
  • Reading:  Finished 2 new books.

  • Balance:  Little pain this morning at last.  Progress.

    1. Always fun to share some time with family, especially those grands!

    2. So what is "real life" I thought those things you mentioned were real. Great shot of Poolie in the ball park.

    3. I just saw your comment on Kay's blog, so I thougjt I'd see if I can post a comment.

    4. No problem using Google Chrome / Blogspot. I just ignore the robot box.

    5. I see lots of red. I am wearing red right now -- a light sweat top as it was a bit chilly when I first awoke. I don't really need it now, though.

    6. Glad you had a good time with the Capt.



    Celebration of Life