February 7, 2017


I dodged a bee in the pool this morning.  He had sunk to the bottom.  I just moved around him slowly.  I couldn’t really quite see him as I had my go-to-the-pool glasses on.  They aren’t as flattened as my teeth, but they are marginal and will survive the pool chemicals.  Surviving is the trick to all this.

Many of my friends share the news with me every day.  I’m sure they all think I am not very functional when I say that I’m not interested.  Their faces reflect blankness then horror.  A “She has her head stuck in the sand” look. 

No, she doesn’t.  Dan Rather has begun a two part column on Facebook that I read.  Politics and non-politics.  The BBC tells me all about it no matter how fast I turn away.  I make a point to catch the local and world news every day.  There are marchers, singing, and resistance everywhere.  Instead of being a very active resister this time around, I have made a choice not to have a heart attack over what I feel is a very political incorrectness.  Tabor posted https://tabordays.blogspot.com/2017/02/a-sunday-sermon.html>a Sunday sermon yesterday that I thought more than appropriate.  Father Peter says it very well.

Me?  I am much like that bee this morning.  I’m hiding down deep, but I’m seeing very well if I  have the right glasses on.


  1. We all seem to be putting our heads in the sand and then pulling them out and looking around a shouting a bit and then sticking our heads back in. We must be kind to ourselves and accept the honest anger, but also be calm.

    1. That's it. Hope your bad day is gone. I'm off to the dentist to discuss price for my new partial. LOL

  2. Probably wise to do so.

  3. So, you're keeping up on the buzz.

    1. More like just the ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...........

  4. Each of us has to find our way through the challenges of life. You've got to do what works for you! Bravo I say if you know what that is.

  5. I'm exhausted with the news. I dread the first few minutes of the evening news during dinner time. It probably gives me indigestion.

  6. Oh dear, the bee drowned? Guess you couldn't risk getting stung as my dtr wouldn't have wanted to also since she's allergic.

    I'm able to follow news pretty well without becoming emotionally overloaded as actions predictable as to where he's headed I believe. I do want to know any little gain blocking, even if only temporary, that route, who was involved and how it was done for future reference and support as needed. That's all I can do now but have to feel I'm doing something.



Celebration of Life