March 2, 2017


February 26; golden light and incoming storm.

February 23:  They took me with more questions about my breathing, and they let me have G’s company until the  last few minutes.  I awoke to a thick wrapping of bandages on my left hand, and a football on my right.  I thought I could tough it out with Tylenol.  Not.  Two Percocet’s put me out for the next two days.

February 24:  George bought a bidet.  It worked well with even one pill in me morning and night.  Learning how to live using my left hand became all important.  Napped all day.  I curled up and skimmed books under my quilt.  Mindlessly.  Between too many meals.  He spoiled me.

February 25:  Began making big inroads into the giant bag of donated mysteries discovering along the way that I couldn’t be friendly with CIA hero types.  One long nap.  Trying to eat less.  Trying not to have himself pull up my pant layers.

February 26:  Found I could type with one finger; that I could stay awake long enough to read blogs and world news.  Started a small photo project…taking a photo a day from my nest of pillows.  Tylenol 3 times a day while holding my hands above heart level and wiggling my fingers to reduce the swelling.


  1. One day at a time, as a blogger has said. ;-)

  2. Slow and steady, Mage. Slow and steady!

  3. You are one strong determined will will wiggle your fingers to freedom.

  4. Ah yes... little baby steps of improvement. I remember when I could lay my right arm on the desktop without excruciating pain and felt such hope that I would eventually regain use of my right arm. How can you hold a book with both of your hands bandaged??? Gads... I was going to suggest audio books, but for myself, I would be put instantly to sleep. Healing hugs to you -- Robert's surgeon said "Come back in 6 weeks -- and you can do walking around the neighborhood, nothing too strenuous." He cautioned that Robert would know when he was doing too much as he would be hurting! He said he didn't want Robert to develop a hernia at the surgery site. I'd forgot that the left side is where Robert had previous hernia surgery, so that's obviously a weak area. Baby steps for him too!

    1. books; pillow on tray on lap. so glad of the robert news.

  5. Wiggle those pinkies but don't overdo it. One finger will get you online. Be careful while you are up if you are still on pain pills. Hugs.

  6. You are making progress. Carry on.

    I think you asked how was I am doing. Thanks. I am doing very well, for which I am grateful.

    1. thanks so much for the update. i too am very grateful.

  7. Oh ouuuuuuch! This is so hard. I'm so sorry.

  8. What a brave lady you are. Hats off!



Celebration of Life