January 24, 2019


I was thinking a little while ago that Paul would probably be appalled that I am editing his images.  He thought I was useless in photography.  He has four children who could do this, but I am the one with the doing.  Yesterday I worked on this picture.  It is two of the men from Padua in “Kiss Me Kate” singing their hearts out.  This came out quite well with pure white, blacks and all sorts of grays to be seen.  I’m pleased.

This photograph was matted and it appears it was part of his portfolio when he applied to Art Center School in LA.  Time has not treated it kindly.  Not only has damp crept up at the bottom, but so has its cousin mold.  Yesterday, I trimmed off the damaged matt in Photoshop, but I left the damage in the picture itself. 

Today I went back to that image of Jack singing.  The biggest problem I have is that I keep dozing off while working here.  I dozed off over breakfast too.  I did the same thing yesterday.  George is better and is off working on his trial box at the Maker Place.  He’s on vacation.  I doze.

  • Himself:  Much better.  Making a box.  Told me he would be home before dinner.
  • Myself:  I’ve been reading some of the sites on Dark Roasted Blend between snores.  (The link is in the bottom grouping over on the right.)  Very abstract stuff.
  • Reading:  Looking For a Ship
  • Photographs:  Paul Hawkins
  • Gratitude’s:  That I am able to focus and write this.


  1. It's the weather, putting me to sleep over everything!

    1. It's the kidney damage here. I'm forcing myself to hydrate. :)

  2. Great job on the photo. You must need to sleep!

  3. Keep the focus. You might want to share your preservation methods. I am waiting (several more weeks) for my tapes that are being digitized. I have no idea what is one them.

    1. Can you confirm your address for me. The Christmas card I mailed off to you in December just got returned today.
      Yes, my tricks did work better on this one but didn't on the Music Man. What are the tapes?

    2. The tapes are really old stuff like hubby when he was 14 at Yellowstone, and both of us in a Christmas play that I wrote, and all kinds of other things that I have forgotten. I did IM the address. We sent out very few cards, but if I get a card I send one back, even if it is late.

  4. Shame about the damage but you did well.

  5. Regarding the labels for business cards, go into Word of MS OFfice and select the 'mailing" drop down menu along the top. On the second from the left at the top will be the "labels" box. In the envelopes and labels window there is an options box at the very bottom. Select it. Then select the label vendors box and that will give you various label sizes including some Avery ones which I use. My Word is an older version, though.

  6. My word is ancient. Yes, I made that work and am heading to the store now. :)

  7. You did an awesome job on the photo editing, Mage.



Celebration of Life