March 28, 2019



Have I told you that I was a Commie
Pinko Rat on one of Nixon’s bad guy
lists.  Once so full of my own passions that
I marched in support of democracy,

now I’m shrunk into a comfortable chair.
I fuss with my world moving art, couch, rugs
in my head…in my dreams, until I find
myself moving pictures hither and yon

in the sunshine of a quiet day.  I
should be out marching, a sign in hand for
causes… against the War, for a carbon
tax, saving the slough, the ocean, instead 

I fade into the stuffed chair of anonymity
as the long silences grow in my head.

  • Himself:  Work.
  • Myself:  No pool…it’s closed for cleaning.  I won’t do this to you all the time, but here is one of the sad ones I found while looking for the other piece.
  • Photo:  Mine.
  • Reading:  The last Brandsetter volume.
  • Gratitude’s:  For feeling so well today.


  1. Good soldiers need to rest at the end of their work!! That chair looks perfect...except it is white. Where would I go to drink my tea, and coffee, and eat my chocolate?

    1. That''s where I go to eat my chocolate, tea and coffee. lol
      The cushion needs padding these many years later tho.

  2. Glad you are feeling better today.

  3. Dealing with it is harder every time.

    1. I have an appointment to with a neurologist Monday. I hate losing bits of me.

  4. That is a good poem that really expresses the lethargy I've been feeling myself lately...just want to sit and knit...leave me alone....I can't be bothered with anything else. It's terrible isn't it? I need to kick myself in the a@@ and get going.I'll sit for awhile and think about it.

  5. Your words are profound Mage. Lots to ponder.

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  7. I was never an activist except in my head, but I am still called to the chair as it were.

  8. I can relate to your slowing down. I use to show my caring and passion for causes, now I just feel it.



Celebration of Life