March 31, 2019


There was something happening everywhere in the park yesterday.
1.     Write this.  Find a photograph to go in it. Nice stuff.
2.     Post this and read a few blogs.
3.     Finish the medical forms for three doctors.    From finding my Health Care Directive and copying it three times to filling out all those forms twice, (once was online), it has been an interesting experience.
4.     Shower, brush teeth, say good bye to George who is off woodworking, and remembering what I am doing.  This too has been an interesting experience.  Not all  in that order.
5.     Yesterday I dressed up to go to shelve books, but when I asked what time the Library was open  I forgot to find out if they were open.  So there I was in library clothes out with G.  Instead, we picked up Dan, had a nice breakfast where I broke my diet for the first time, and I went to work with G.  Got car photos from the latest show, park photos till my battery started running low, a nap, and a great dinner at home.
6.     Enjoy the beautiful, sunny, perfect temperature day.

I waved back.

  • Himself:  Finishing the boxes today.
  • Myself:  Puttering with medical stuff.
  • Photo:  Mine from Balboa Park yesterday.
  • Reading:  Nothing at this moment.
  • Gratitude:  George.


  1. At the moment we are having a mini I jealous...well....yeah.

  2. It was a busy day yesterday. I hope your surgeries soon will be behind you!

    1. Me too. I meet the neurologist on Wednesday just before my bone doc. The week is going to be interesting.

  3. Ha, ha waving back is kind of a reflex isn't it. Hope this is a week of good news for you.

  4. Oh yes, you and George are so blessed to have each other. And frankly, I need to get off my diet occasionally too. Ummm... Don't listen to Art if he tells you, "More than occasionally."



Celebration of Life