August 24, 2020


·       The San Diego Maritime Museum reopened yesterday.  George thought that marching around on the old wooden decks would be hard on our joints, so we didn’t go.  I am always inspired by the imagery of the ships as they revitalize my soul by their existence.

· Stuff From Ellen's Head.  Inspiring anti Trump information.  A whole blog’s worth of entertainment if you dislike Trump.

·       George has also become the Chief Cook here.  Among other things, he uses a bread machine to bake really good bread.  He has also taken to watching the BBC’s British Baking Show.  Yesterday he baked a half dozen chocolate muffins.  I have to say they were really pretty good.  He is actually making breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  Nothing fancy, mind you.  But mother started me making Gimpa’s dinner at an early age, so it feels as if I have always been cooking.  It’s nice not to.

·       One of Grumpy’s door handles stopped working.  George discovered that GM stopped making them.  After-Market handles are all that’s available.  One shelf in the garage is now devoted Chevy truck parts.  Imagine if they all expand.


<A HREF=>Himself:</A>  Netscape’s Merlin, and the British Baking Show too.

Myself:  Lots of Dick Francis.  Mending, reading blogs.  Still not walking well, but not doing much walking to get it better.  Still a sore on my rear from sitting. 

Reading:  Dick Francis.

Photo:  Rowing dory’s at the Museum used for students.

Gratitude’s: All but the walking.


  1. My husband cooks breakfast every day. I cook the main meal and we have bits and pieces for the other. He’s a great cook. He was always the first home from work and would have supper ready in the old days.

  2. I am not doing as well as your man. I do cook on occasion but not so much lately.

  3. I wish someone cooked for me, if they would listen to what I like, too.

  4. You go George. I do think men make the best cooks. They don't grow up thinking they will have to cook till they are hauled off. Also they don't mind experimenting. Hey, all the great chefs are men.

  5. Lovely blog thanks for taking the time to share this



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