November 6, 2007

Goal Focused Day

A Frieze: A richly ornamented band of decoration this one dating from 1983 through 2007.

Six more days at home then we are gone for nine….so today I need to:

  • Get in touch with both daughters. YELD2 needs to be teased. I bet she takes less than three pair of pants when she travels. YELD1 was to have taken her entrance exams for school yesterday. I’ve heard nothing….says YELM chewing her fingernails. (YELD translates to Your Ever Loving Daughter.)

  • Email: Send out one of those “One post doesn’t fit all” to everyone from whom I usually get email. A “We are not home” thing giving links and humor. Then again, they probably know this fact. Some read my blog. I find that I have an actual eleven posts in my inbox requiring answers. That’s a task for the day fer sure. What happens when my brain stops working around three? I’d better have all that done before then, hadn’t I.

  • Refine tomorrows small essay for class. Something for the Poets Group on Thursday? Did someone say something about today being a computer day?

  • And what are we doing in Portland? Have I thought beyond visiting friends?

    First we will pick up the RAC and drive up to Cee’s: Walk beside the river. Talk, talk, talk and talk more to one of the kinder, more kindred spirited women around, Cee. Talk more. No jammies. OKOK, I will bring my own version of jammies… sweats. And talk and share and talk more. It’s a good thing our husbands like each other, isn’t it? Eat and talk……that’s a well balanced whole.

    The next day, at some point, we will drive back into Portland. I want to see the Portland Building. Why, you ask? I did my senior/graduate level, architectural history project on the Portland Building by Michael Graves. I built a model of this earth shaking, Post Modernist block building out of matt board with vast help from my friendly framers. It was an insane project that got me an A in the most difficult class I ever took in my eight-year college career. I really want to see face to face what this building really looks like.

    Another of my dearest friends from college the first time around, Kay, recommends we go to Powell’s book store. Once I stopped by their site, I was hooked. It’s far more than a bookstore. Powell’s it is then dinner with DA….another school friend. High School this time. She works days and her husband nights. We will have time for dinner and talk. Or maybe it’s dinner then Powell’s the next day. We can do a morning city tour, have lunch, then get on the Amtrak Cascades and head north to Seattle.

  • Seattle’s Virtual Tour was most helpful in planning our time there. We have one day, plus or minus the time available, with our old painter friend, Don DeLlamas. A second day to see the water, Space Needle, take the Underground Walking tour, and to collapse as I, for one of two, am in appalling condition. Nothing like sitting for weeks throughout the bad air and ash during the fires here. It looks like fun, tho wet, to us. We are ready. Next day we head straight down the coast toward home.

Then again, ya know……..everything’s subject to change except the trains.

Me: A goal focused me indeed.

G: Determined not to over-pack.

Duck: It’s like every other day our friend Duck gets turned back on. Every other day he vanishes into silent, blinking dementia. We need to make a list of questions to ask like how is his Sundowners Syndrome doing?

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