November 7, 2007

A Ducky Day

Duck in Yosemite, 2001-ish. Such a stylish guy.

Another task oriented day today. I need to get my girth in gear to Kinko’s and to school with copies and lunch in hand. I don’t want to eat them out of house and home cookie wise, so if I bring a half ham and cheese sandwich with me, I’m ok.

Yes, worked hard on the little piece about Duck and his imaginary dog Plaid yesterday. It’s better but not good yet. Ditto a poem. My brain feels much more alive now than it has in a long time. I’m taking the “Plaid” piece with me to school this morning. I read last week, but maybe they will have time for me to read this week too. We’ll see.

Me: Moving on. Dinner: Ham with cherry glaze, Lemon Yam puff, Waldorf salad, corn bread that I dropped all over the living room rug.

G: It appears more have been let go. It also appears that after 2 weeks training, they didn’t catch on. After 3 days of training, he caught on with a score of 89 on the test to keep his job. The vehicles they assigned him were two of the top ones too.

We did make it to Fashion Valley to pay for Mohave’s Christmas present of a year of one on one classes for her new Mac iBook. Discount too.

Duck: He was good this day……or good for him. After his shower, he did argue with G and the nurse that his clothes were clean. They weren’t. G got him in clean stuff head to toe. If this is what it takes, so be it.

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