June 5, 2018


2009, off to Alaska..

It’s change insurance time at work again for George.  Last year he signed up for Kaiser remembering how good the program was years ago.  The seven thousand dollar deductible dissuaded him from getting his torn meniscus fixed this year.  This time the company offers Blue Cross/Blue Shield also.  It’s with the Scripps Clinic I go to.  It’s with the doctor he used to go to.

His knee hasn’t been at all happy.  At first it was just the knee.  Now the swelling has wandered down his whole leg.   He wraps his knee, and now he too wears a compression stocking.  He walks like an old man.  Kaiser told him they couldn’t fully repair it because of his age.  That hasn’t gone over well.

I’m really proud of him for taking action about this.  That goes over really well.

  • Himself:  He is peachy keen today.
  • Herself:  Only lost my keys for a little while.
  • Reading:  Hillerman.
  • Watching:  Who knows, it’s the summer season.
  • Gratitudes:  To be able to make carrot raisin salad for a pot luck because I have carrots, raisins, and mayo in the house for G’s diet and he won’t eat the raisins.


  1. It boggles my mind that, even with insurance, there is such a high deductible. It takes time to see the specialist here but it is all free since out taxes cover it but taxes are high of course.

  2. I hope you can get the knee managed!

  3. We are blessed with good insurance. Hubby had the same knee surgery last year. It went well and hubby is back in shape. Looking forward to George being the same!!!!

  4. America's health care system perplexes the rest of us, but I hope that he has this sorted.

    BTW I saw a reflection of me walking yesterday, and I shambled like an old man.

  5. Getting old isn't for wimps.



Celebration of Life