I can stir my own pot by going in to the library at nine instead of one today. This will give me two hours to hack and slash at the “Whole Cloth” piece, print six copies, work a couple of hours at the library, and still get to Nati’s by eleven. Last week the “Old Grey Poet’s Society” lunch was truncated on my part when I rushed off to the library. I’d rather rush through the library, or even return to the library, than cut short the Thursday noon meeting with friends.
Slowly I make new friends. I used to just leap into friendship. Can’t you see my leg stretched and opened arms. My first time around in college, I made most of my longest lasting friendships. I made few friendships at all my second four year round of college, perhaps I was too tired from doing too many things. The bonus joy of the Wednesday writing class is the new friendships made….even if they move to Tehachape and live their dream so delightfully, even if they get pooped from redecorating and creating, they add so marvelously to my life.
Even the librarian, excuse me….Branch Manager, remembers my name.
“I know if I am going to hire someone within the next five minutes,” he told me last week. It was sooner than five minutes with me.
Oh, I could have worked two bonus days at Petco this week. I would have liked the money. Instead, I opted to have days with a Librarian who remembers my name and time with simply delightful friends. I’m back to living life instead of living to work, and I must tell you that it’s heaven.
Me: Yesterday: The class liked my piece, Tehachap’s DH was at lunch with us, and Marion B’s refreshed home is delightfully renewed. Not only did she paint and tile, she got rid of a newer table and chair and put her own taste in. What fun we four had in the few short hours we had together. I found a new no-sugar desert she could eat. I liked it too. Hurrah. Today: Library first, read useless piece, Duck next.
G: They gave him one small and two giant projects, so I have hopes he will be there past the vacation. He does like his job. He’s begun the ordering tickets, car reservations, et al. for our vacation. Three friends written, one joyous response so far.
Duck: We whipped in like whirlwinds upsetting everything and stirring the pot of cleanliness yesterday. I left with a large bag of ruined clothes, left his stuff in order, and he was dressed in new and clean clothes. No blood stains anywhere. G put the lotion on himself as blood was running down Duck’s leg. We knew but now confirmed that his idea of clean clothes are no longer our idea of clean clothes.
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