Big Sur coastline.
G has been deep cleaning his very full hard drive these last weeks, and it dawned on me that I have many photographs online at my photohost that I will never use. Speaking of jammed and full, my Snapfish albums are so crammed that they should be charging me double to use their services.
Sentimentality has slowed me down. Oh, I remember that says my memory. And I pause. Yesterday it was Damn the Pauses and Delete ahead. I found every photograph of the Queen Mary ever taken in one 2003 album. I’m not going to use most of those. I did save all the “to keep” Star of India pictures in one place in a 2003 spot. I was ruthless with the album marked “2003 Train Rides” discarding all but a few shots of the LA Union Station that I might use again. Boy I was good.
The LA Union Station ticket plaza just after the floor was redone.
You would be proud of me.
I was grateful I had this moment to clean house. For to my mind, getting rid of old and unused jpg’s is just the same as getting rid of old clothes or old books. I moved that pixel dust around clear up through 2004 reducing that year to three albums. I came to a halt in 2005 stuck at the first “photo’s as art” albums. What’s worth saving here and what not? No ruthlessness here. 2005 has the Utah trips, the journal scans, the AIDS Quilt images, family images, house images, and the childhood photos. My halt stayed halted.
Sometimes, one has to leave the magic alone.
Duck: He was good this day……”How was your day?” “Good, I guess. No one told me different.” We will take that.
Me: Yesterday: Class….magical as usual. Didn’t read as I had read last week. Today: Here, library, Old Grey Poets, fix dinner.
G: Another one let go….G continues to do an above average job. We also discovered that he will get one more vacation week starting next year. Two days till vacation.
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