Upper inland valley. Slowly I am getting used to the constant wall of movement at the forefront of any picture I take. November 2007.
I rolled gently out of bed very aware that I was beyond appalling in condition and that two vacations that included deserts have left me hanging out there in the wind just at the beginning of the holidays. Cookies and cakes and pies tempt me at every corner, and I can no longer move fast enough to catch them.
Life has been good to us, I admit that. We are out there window shopping for Christmas presents, I finding various little things and G the big ones. We could never live this comfortably if I didn’t work. Right now I can hardly move much less go to work.
Today we walked three hours through the swapmeet. At a dignified pace, mind you. G found a darling set of books for a two year old, and I found one or two cute ornaments for the tree in the fifty cent range. Now you know how we got all our tree ornaments. Tuesday I will take a long walk too. More than a mile. And sit ups. I’m sixty something or other, and if I do not make a concerted effort, I’m going to be dead in the water now, not later.
No mayonnaise on my meat loaf sandwich tonight. Well….maybe only a skim coat. Well, maybe……..oh my addictions haunt me.
Duck: We will go visit him shortly. He was ok yesterday according to G.
Me: Ached all over, legs in agony, and tooth in agony after lunch today.
G: He got an infection in his nose, and by yesterday morning he looked like Rudolph. Alcohol wipes and antibiotic crème leaves him again looking like himself.
Weather: Low sixties with lovely clear blue sky. Simply glorious.
Gifts for the Military:
http://www.blogger.com/ Gifts for the Military An MSMBC article with links and lots of useful information. I think we are adopting one more person overseas.
http://www.blogger.com/ Soldier.com: Send your support to a soldier in harms way. It’s nearing the holidays. Perhaps you would like to send off a box to someone in the military. There are things you can’t send too. Read the pages before you send anything.
http://www.blogger.com/ mailing fact sheet: Everything you need to know about mailing food gifts to the military overseas.
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