So last week, we bought Duck a small tree. G climbed up the ladder again and pulled down the gold and green balls to decorate it with. We needed an angel to top the tree, so there it sat on our dining room table, balls securely wired on….and sat, and sat.
Did he bring up the subject or did I.
“It’s too big.”
“Yes it is.”
We stood there together, arm in arm, in the kitchen staring at it as it sat there on the table in front of us.
““We need something smaller.”
And turning in unison, we gathered our things and walked off and left it there on the table. “Let’s see what they have at Marshall’s,” I said.
He asked, “Marshall’s? Didn’t they go bankrupt? Did you mean Michael’s?”
“Yes, yes. You know what I mean. That place with all the crafty stuff. I bet we find just what we need for a tiny tree at Marshall’s.”
After a lightening strike visit to Duck’s, where we found him in a clean shirt, we went to Michael’s. There were rows of tiny trees. Decorated trees for seventeen dollars. Undecorated trees for seven. And after wandering the much perfumed store, we decided on a pre-decorated tree and a ribbon or two to be added later. Apples and pine cones and a tiny bird here and there. A nothing much tree that can be velcroed to the top of his TV set. Tiny. Unbreakable.
“This wouldn’t have done, you know,” I said when we got home. “I had been worried about the glass balls. Worried about someone knocking it over, and worried about where to put something two feet tall. The new tree is half the size and all foam and plastic.”
"It's just right," he smiled.
We nodded together.
Duck: We did a lightening visit.
Me: Finished new version of Plaid. New poem. Got the printer to work. Kinko’s for multiple copies last night. Wrote and printed the Duck letter. Got half Duck’s cards done. Walked two miles on the beach. G: Didn’t get picked for a jury so is off to work.
Weather: On shore fog. We be socked in here. The waves will be 18 feet with swells of 20.
Amazing all that you can buy, pre-decorated velcro tree! Had a real laugh about that. We just have bare green ones here. And two sizes:small (sort of like yours in the photo or a little bigger) and tall.
ReplyDeleteMage, sorry, I was trying out something new to over-ride googles change in the commenting box. I was hoping to be able to add my blog address.
ReplyDeleteThat's a ducky tree if I ever saw one! Are those real apples; they sure look like it.