The hospital and doctor, a very nice, compassionate doctor who told us everything, released Duck from the hospital after two different applications of antibiotics…one dripped and one shot. He made it back to the nursing home before we did. A UTI, and he didn’t understand anything that was happening. His cold went into his ears and he is as deef as a post. As G says, “He’s as good as can be expected.”
Better than expected was the switch so G was in charge of Duck instead of Duck. We had the right paperwork in hand dated many years ago, and with Social Services right on the spot everything was switched at light speed.
Home to a Friday afternoon with sunshine pouring in the windows and a good book in hand,
This morning, after the daylight finally woke us up at a guilty seven something, we had another flying visit to see Duck before heading north to Marie’s 45th birthday. Tho we swore we were not getting her anything, I confess we brought her the newest Anne McCaffrey.
And too…..G was on a search for sweat bottoms…at Amvets first. There were none at all, darn it. There were a couple of new turtlenecks in my size….I now have seven in various colors to warm my wattled neck. We took Marie and M5 home to connect with her sister, and we were off to Ross where we found one in green and another in a virulent purple so we can see him coming. More Duck, and now home to have some PT and computer time. Silence and clicking. Good stuff. Later, dinner with the Feasters. That too is good stuff.
Did I say tomorrow was laundry? Oh, the mundane.
Home to a Friday afternoon with sunshine pouring in the windows and a good book in hand,
This morning, after the daylight finally woke us up at a guilty seven something, we had another flying visit to see Duck before heading north to Marie’s 45th birthday. Tho we swore we were not getting her anything, I confess we brought her the newest Anne McCaffrey.
And too…..G was on a search for sweat bottoms…at Amvets first. There were none at all, darn it. There were a couple of new turtlenecks in my size….I now have seven in various colors to warm my wattled neck. We took Marie and M5 home to connect with her sister, and we were off to Ross where we found one in green and another in a virulent purple so we can see him coming. More Duck, and now home to have some PT and computer time. Silence and clicking. Good stuff. Later, dinner with the Feasters. That too is good stuff.
Did I say tomorrow was laundry? Oh, the mundane.
Duck: Napping.
G: A little quieter than usual. Retail therapy helps everything.
Wonderful pictures. Enjoy the baby. They grow up so fast and all the intimacy goes away.