Herself: Spent the day running. Cleaned up pants section of closet, dusted better than dusted half the computer room, grocery shopped, container shopped to help get rid of the dust on the small stuff in the computer room. Balance: Adverse reaction to cough drops so took bus to dentist to meet G. Dinner soup and salad at Olive Garden. Caught my attention: Air Force One: A virtual tour plus Obama’s first flight, ride the chopper, build a model of Air Force One, and tour the private living quarters at the White House. National Geographic. |
His first owner left him with us, and we promised to take care of him forever and ever amen. Then we moved out of the big house and took him away from the rooftops he had known since he was a kitten. We found ourselves on the beach streets of OB.
We had moved into a tiny rental apartment near the beach that would take cats. Often, to get a little air into the place, we would open the front door. Both cats, and yes we had both old man Sterling and young man Kakua, would go out and sit on the wall to watch the world pass by.
He didn’t adapt at all well to the move.
After a short while, this, the softest of all kitties known to man, became an angry, aggressive horror story all unto himself. We watched him grow angry and attack G with no reason at all. He loved G. One day he attacked a small child walking by. We called the vet. Sometimes cats get aggressive, the vet told us. Kakua was worse than aggressive. Soon we couldn’t even touch him. Kitty Jekyll and Kitty Hyde.
We couldn’t reach the first owner, and the vet advised putting him down.
I found this portrait of him the other day while I was scanning an old journal. Putting Kakua down was one of the defining moments of life.
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