January 21, 2009

Thr Greenbrier

The Greenbrier Hotel: photo copyright Greenbrier Hotel 2009.

Entries: Written in advance. I confess. Even this one.

Himself: Watched it all while working. Walked. Watched more over very good leftovers.

Herself: There are advantages to being home swathed in awkward bandages. I had no guilt while sitting in bed and watching the Washington festivities all morning while sniveling nicely till “his” after work walk time. Finished bio of Cary Grant and the 2008 Parker western while watching. Watched the balls later on CNN too. Stitches out today. More will be revealed.

Balance: There wasn’t any today in a day of sitting on the bed, sniveling, and eating too much.
Speaking of historic sites and decorating, the Greenbrier Hotel has been at the center of things since 1778. This is a very up to date hotel now, but guests still come to take the waters much as they did in 1830 when the first stagecoach reached the Greenbrier.

Today you can still visit the exuberance of Dorothy Draper’s reinvented 1959’s Greenbrier Hotel, you can visit the now open governmental bunkers built beneath the Greenbrier, and you can revisit “Design Sponges” stop in the Greenbrier halls.

Underground Greenbrier: The governments bunkers under the Greenbrier

Greenbrier History: Everything from the Civil War through the Cold War.

Greenbrier Hotel Today

The Draper Effect

Hello Glamour.

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