Herself: It’s in the 40’s out by the pool now. “They” said the water was 80, but you and I know it wasn’t. I was the only person there for the back half of the class, and I was very grateful to have the usual class ending stretches in the hot pool. The poetry ladies suggested I put the Prora piece in order by date. I was thinking I could leave it alone and eliminate one date to keep the structure of the piece moving…..she says laughing. Balance: Stirring up much discussion with my Prora piece. |
My youngest called too. I told her how pleased I was to hear from her, and she replied that I never called her. No, I don’t. If I did, I might say something I would regret…..forever. Just like my own mother always did. So I tell her I love her and say nothing else. She says she got some kind of promotion. I told her I loved her.
To compound the felony, it’s Friday the 13th. That’s an awfully good day around this house. I met G on the 13th…..all those years ago. Not this particular Friday the 13th, but it’s still a magic date to remember. Then too, in just a few days, we celebrate our wedding anniversary.
First things first tho, Valentines day tomorrow and Marie’s birthday’s on the 17th.
Mage with her eldest Margot. 1972.
Look at that skinny girl (the taller one)! I think I have a pair of shorts exactly like those. Navy blue. Loved them. Finally parted with them a couple summers ago.