February 16, 2009


Himself: Had fun and will be the Saturday Docent.

Herself: Actually finished a project or two. Amazing. The most important, getting all the grandkids names and parents names posted in the Hunt/Hyde family bible.

Blogging: A few of my images are appearing as grey boxes again. Yes, I have emailed my Photohost and hopefully this software error will soon be repaired.

Balance: Ordered surfaces.

Caught my attention: Discovered the Alastair Greener blog...he’s the entertainment director for Cunard. I had posted this link before but coded it incorrectly. You couldn’t see the link….I do apologize.

Moving rapidly inland, the great lines of purple clouds are under-painted with the dawn’s puce and gold. The wind is picking up in spurts and moving the trees as if they were flags. I’ve closed up the computer room for warmth and peer out at the incoming storm through the blinds on one small window.

Tiny drops of rain spatter the window glass. It’s a holiday so few cars pass on the street below me…few jets fly into the face of the storm. The only sound I hear is the hiss of the space heater behind me.

I watch the storm move onto land and wonder what other writers said about storms. I come to a halt at the first page I find, Red Storm Writing, and am distracted and left wondering what happens to bloggers when they stop writing. Are there no more storms? Does life overtake the blowing winds and spattering rain.

I find traces of this author hunkering under his umbrella as a writing teacher, as a blogger here and a test blogger there. Little traces barely visible on the damp streets of reality or my mind. After a final stop, I refuse to trace his fading words any further annoyed by his lack of responsibility in not closing, not tidying up his years old detritus in the ether. Checking the clock, I gather up my own reality…shirts for the cleaners, shopping list for the grocers, dreams for the now uniformly grey skies, and head out into the slow moving front.

Storm Photos:

Storm Photography: Stunning color photographs of extreme weather instabilities

NOAA: Storm Watch gif

Hail Fall

Extreme Instability: Stunning weather photography by year


  1. Just spending some time on this rainy day catching up. Sounds like your hand is healing nicely. I have enjoyed your photos these last several entries. I am ok, I am promising myself I will start a daily post begininng today. I think its a good idea for me.

  2. I've checked on you most every day and missed you.

  3. great photo. Good story too. I almost shivered reading it.



Celebration of Life