March 30, 2009

Himself: He reinstalled many his programs and ordered the tools he needed to diagnose the good computer as well as……..

Herself: I spent the day with him. Simple day, simple food, simple movie. Quiet company. Bee called. She’s back from London and Paris. I’ll talk with her today after the pool.

Reading: Speer. I’m well into the war years now, and I’m simply appalled at the thinking.

Balance: A silly movie.

I feel a need for simplicity. My life has too much stuff in it. Sometimes the stuff makes me smile. Other times it makes me feel boxed in. So, even though I smile, life would be better if I got the loose stuff out of my way. The projects done.

Get the quilt top done. That’s my goal this week. I saw the first finished blocks in the pictures at last years HS reunion. Oh my. All I need to do now is border the top and put it together in a sandwich with the padding and the backing. I can get a lot of boxes out of the computer room if I do that.

Simple stuff. I spilled a glass of water on my computer table yesterday. Simplicity is a clean and empty table top. I want to clean and empty out the computer room as a whole just like the table. I almost live in it during the winters when it is too nippy in the rest of the house, and there’s nothing simple about this room by the end of the winter.

Projects here: scanning the unique in my old journals. Projects there: Emptying the bottom drawer of my dresser of fifty years of personal stuff. And more stuff. More projects: The quilt. Layers of it.

Layers of life everywhere.


  1. I keep trying for simplicity, also. I'm not very successful I'm afraid.

  2. Ruthe, I think the trying counts. LOL

  3. Oh yes, simplicity. While reading your post my heart let out a sigh. How I inwardly yearn for an empty desk, and how harsh the reality of my mountains of clutter...



Celebration of Life