Herself: I can wear last year’s pants again. The spare tire is still with me tho. Us: Got the house ready for inspection which included touching up the paint. Gosh, I wish SoCalFrank could have visited when the house was looking it’s best. Tried a new taco shop for dinner. We liked it. Today Bee stops by for a visit straight from Paris. And too, not saving as much as we thought with the re-fi, but I think we are going through with it anyway. Reading: Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, William L. Shirer. Balance: Knowing so much got done around the house yesterday. It looks fresh and new. |
This would have been the start of my sixth year at the ballpark, and I dearly miss the friendships and camaraderie, the excitement and tensions. I thank them greatly for allowing me to discover that I’m a people person. Who knew I could interact so well with anyone and everyone. I felt at home there. Home, I would say when we drove by. I thank them for the chance to live with a camera in my hand for those five years. I learned a lot about my abilities, and you bet I am grateful.
There are parts of this I regret too. They handled my departure poorly. I need to let that go with greater effort. I hated the hours and times I worked as well as being separated from G for half the year. That did not work at all well. Being tired all the time. Wearing out. What can I say. The plusses outweigh the minuses in the end
You bet I am grateful that my working there fostered G’s love of the game. It was good for him and good for me to go to games with him. He made some special friendships too. I’m sorry he didn’t get season tickets this year also.
Most of all, I’ll miss the special people like Maya, on the left, and Bailey, right, with their humans. They made my life better every time they stopped to visit. And Pete. Such a special guy, and I miss talking with him every day.
I knew you were a people person without ever having met you. Your personality comes out through your writing; plus you're always smiling ear to ear in every photograph I see of you. You mean you didn't know?!
ReplyDeleteI had those kinds of feelings in my last job. also. It was really a gift to me, but I was happy to leave and even happier they laid me off, instead of my quitting. Sometimes life is very kind, even when it looks tough.