Herself: Done with the quilt top. 7 working days until we leave. Reading: Catching up on my magazines. Balance: Eating out. Learning to skip the salsa. |
Not only did I rip out day-before-yesterdays seams, I ripped out errors from yesterday too. After a day of this, I reached the point where I no longer cared about accuracy. This quilt was started in 2007, and I was determined that the top get done now, today. Not when we get back. Not next year. I wanted the top done.
So the points don’t look right……those flattened ends tell me that I have a sewing disorder here. The careful measurements by this math deficient person left the dragons teeth uneven at the ends. And the even more careful measurements gave me scrambled eggs for the corner stones among the sloppy fittings.
Perhaps I should have popped bright yellow in there somewhere. Maybe screaming pink corners.
I took a record picture of it upstairs thinking that I didn’t like the turquoise in juxtaposition with the reds. Too strong. Too much of a contrast. When I got it downstairs in the red and white living room, I liked it. In the end, all its errors take a back seat to the power of the color. All the bad sewing, bad techniques, and bad math are overwhelmed by its correctness and sense of place in that room.
Though I’d written a small piece to take with me to class today about it, giving it an imaginary personality, it does seem to have grown one during its long gestation. This quilt has taken the longest time to make of any quilt I have ever done. It’s the worst constructed quilt I’ve ever made.
Ya know? I like it.
2007, choosing the fabrics for the red quilt.
Someone once told me our lives are like this: ripping out the seams, redoing it; unravelling a sweater to fix a stitch and re-knitting. It's correcting the karma: for those that had gone before us, for those about to come after us. BUt I think it's also about having a lovely, perfect quilt that makes you happy as it envelopes you. SO GLAD you found it!!!