April 1, 2009


The front door, summer 2008.

Himself: He worked and waited, walked and waited, ate dinner and waited, then…….

Herself: Yesterday: She swam and emailed, quilted and waited, read and waited…..while facing myself. Change at any level turns me into a monster. Today: Start getting the house and garage ready for inspection.

Reading: On the final chapters of Speers Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.

Balance: The ending.

Caught my attention: Pete, my old friend from HS and Padres suggested I read this article. In the Jewish Daily Forward is this article on Selling National Socialism. A new exhibit, State of Deception: Power of Nazi Propaganda, at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. It opened last month and will be on view until December 2011.

We were a fine pair yesterday.

We worked, and we waited. All day we waited for the bank’s busy loan officer to return our calls. I managed, ineptly, to tear the red quilt apart, take out two of the deadest blocks plus one row, and get it back together tho badly. I should have taken it apart a second time as one corner really doesn’t meet. I note, it will pass the twenty-mile test.

Since I’m not losing any more weight though I’m exercising four hours a week, I added a mile of slow sauntering. My hip wasn’t overjoyed about walking again, but I note that it’s still with me this morning. No more power walking. Darn….I liked that floating feeling of youth. I’ll get it instead in the water.

And we waited. Waited while the sun moved across the beautiful blue sky. We waited while we walked by the bay, waited while we ate dinner, and even waited until the computers were loaded up with all their new anti-worm softwear and Microsoft updates. Semantic loves us.

She did call. She took our CC number for the inspection, and she locked us into the 4.25 % rate. We borrowed a little extra so we could finish the kitchen…and get a new dishwasher. The “New” dishwasher…..didn’t we just get that….has many of it’s rack prongs broken and already rusting while the door is showing it’s first signs of rust. Not a good buy.

By afternoon, I had grown negative and gloomy. I became a grump by the end of the day and was thinking she was rude for not calling. Obviously I need to jump start my patience level. G was positive all through this whole experience. But I’ve discovered that I no longer trust in the process. The process, of course, is change.

We will sign the papers in about three weeks. This will give me three weeks to jump start my thinking to the positive. Just before we leave for Alaska.

1 comment:

  1. All's well that ends well. Just think of the money you'll save and that new kitchen. I love new kitchens.



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