December 5, 2010

A Night At the Museum

….or just like working for the Padres.

For a while, I got to sit near the door and catch those juveniles trying to sneak into the closed half of the museum. “I’m so sorry,” I would say sweetly as if a giant black pillow with an orange vest can be sweet, “The owners don’t want the crowds near their cars.” Part of the truth was that we didn’t have enough docents to keep inquisitive visitors off the cars. Probably not enough money for extra insurance fees too.

Ruling us all was the kind hand of Captain Poolie, Museum Director Extraordinaire, purveyor of sandwiches and cookies for the orange vested, and deft political hand.

Then for a while I got to push the clicker. Next to the front door. I dressed just like I used to when working the Employee Gate….socks, socks, silkies, pants, shirt, vest, coat, gloves, muffler, and hat. Wow. What fun….until I discovered I was clicking folks twice. Was I supposed to do this nefarious act? Almost five thousand folks came into the museum many hoping to see the cars in the closed off half. I had to confess to the Captain that I’d been clicking on folks no matter how many times they came in and out the doors.

Heading home out through the carnival in front of our doors, Taking The Geezers Fellow docent home as his eyesight is fading, we caught a glimpse of this electronic, pulsating, fairyland of lights, a gift from the homeowner to all of us for the holidays.


  1. Oh my gosh! You are incredible! It was such a delight to have you in the crew!

  2. You are a good old soul and those who know you are lucky to have your time! I sometimes cringe like a Scrooge when I see so many holiday lights, I must admit.

  3. The holiday lights are good, but I love that--what did you call her?--cookie pusher. Her smirk was beautiful! :) I wouldn't try to get away with anything with her around.

  4. My goodness, looks like Tim the Toolman lives next door.

  5. I had to laugh cause I was one of those who got too close to an Orchid at the state fair and was told "lady dont touch the flowers," it didnt look real I had to
    WOW someone is in for one heck of an electric bill--

  6. Son has one of those "gift to the neighborhood" houses in his neighborhood. Because of the increase in traffic and the fact that they never stop adding to it makes the neighbors grumpy. Enough already.

  7. The expression on her face is priceless. I love that photo!

    As fun as it is to see those lights in an image or video, I can't say I'd be all that thrilled to see it in my neighbourhood. Fun, but a bit much.

  8. That's a cute outfit and what a myriad of lights.

  9. Hi Maggie!
    Glad to know you had enough layers to keep you warm -- especially on the feet -- can't stand it when my feet are cold.
    You and G do such very neat things!
    It's very cold and windy here today -- highs in the 30s with substantial wind chills. Looks like I'll have to wear long pants to the gym!
    LOVE the lights!



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