January 14, 2011


………………………………..........................Keeping life simple
………………………………..........................as my bronchitis succumbs
………………………………..........................to huge drug doses

These bugs are always a long haul for me. Usually I am still coughing at the end of 6 months. Yup, I am using over the counter Halls Defense, Halls cough drops, Zicam…I believe Zinc works, Nyquil, Aleve. I’m using a prescription nasal spray, an asthma spray, an apalliingly expensive powder spray plus all my usual meds. I am not using Marion B’s cough cure which was guaranteed to work: Scotch, Lemon, and Honey. I am using tea heavily larded with honey and lemon. Today is the fourth day of this, and I am being very proactive….all but food. He can take me out to dinner or order it in.


  1. Sorry to hear you are sick, sweetie. With that arnsenal, you should feel better soon. Hugs.

  2. I hope something works. That is no fun. Get plenty of rest, sleep if you can. And know I'm thinking of you.

  3. I pity the little germs!! :) I think the zinc works, too -- remarkably. You may not be able to smell anything for a few days but it's worth it.

    Carry-out sounds great. Feel better, Maggie - meanwhile I'll work out for the two of us today.

  4. Glad to hear you are making an effort to take care of yourself. I've found those nasty bugs seem to move on out quicker if I stop on the front end and take a day or two to stay in bed and sleep as much as possible, along with lots of liquids.

  5. Aw, that's too bad. I hope your cough does NOT linger for 6 months.

    When I develop a cough, my doctor prescribes ORGANIDIN and an antibiotic -- both pills, as I hate syrups. Both do their job and I am fine within a month.

    Take care!

  6. I hate it when the bug overstays its welcome. Make sure you do not over medicate and do not need an antibiotic!

  7. Sometimes we just can manage food. Keep up the tea with honey and anything hot for your throat. Thaat's why chicken soup works...its the heat, not the chicken.

  8. Bug Be Gone! You got all the bases covered now if the MR will keep the food coming all will be right! REST, OH and drink plenty of water!!!

  9. Oh, Maggie, another winter, another bad cold. Please get better soon. Tea is good. So is sleep. As is letting yourself be pampered.

  10. So sorry you're ill. My family likes the "hot toddy, hot bath and hot bed" cure. Even if you don't get well, you feel better. :)

  11. Ack with all of that in your system, I'm impressed that you're awake enough to do a blog post! I hope you feel better soon. Great, colourful photo.

  12. Chicken soup with peppercorns, chicken soup with lemon, chicken soup all by itself. Maybe it is only the heat, but chicken soup always makes me feel better.
    I wish you a rapid debugging!

  13. It's the most annoying thing, isn't it? Same thing happens to me when I get sick. I sure hope you feel perfect really soon.

  14. ah! you are healing with COLORS!! i succumb!! (feel better! hugs!)



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