April 14, 2011

Out in the Wide World

Jo in her last year, reading on her bed.

Outside the walls of Open Diary is a big broad world.

I began a mirror blog of my open diary page “Day Tripper” during a period when OD spent more time down than up. Much to my surprise, outside the hive I began to make friends and find readers for this new blog. Some of these folks give awards. I was also quite surprised to discover this.

This week, Hilary, who writes at The Smitten Image, gave me one for my April eighth entry Donation (rough Draft) She calls these pats on the back “Posts Of The Week”….POTW, and how she manages to read and truly absorb so many entries, I’ll never know. I’m grateful though.

Sometimes you think you are writing into a vacuum. This week’s entry on Sunday’s baseball game netted me two, now three, notes on that “Postcards” baseball entry. I thought that my “note” feature there was down…which it was. In reality, most folks out there in the world admitted they weren’t that fond of baseball….(oh, how that strike so many years ago ruined the game.) Over in OD, the 21 notes on that same entry buoyed me up. It’s not that one kind of family is more supportive than the other; it’s just that families differ.

I love my OD family…though it’s a little insular. I love my friends and family at Blogger who certainly vote with their notes. Today, I’m truly appreciative of Hilary who left me a much appreciated pat on the back to keep me movin’ on. Thanks Hilary.


  1. I wasn't going to mention my opinion of baseball, but you've begun to touch the subject. So I shall give you the link
    written nine years ago. I still feel as if I've been robbed.

  2. Oh.. how sweet you are. I'm glad you're pleased about the most deserved mention/pat on the back. :)

  3. You certainly keep busy and it shows in the vast variety of subjects you blog about.....

  4. You deserve that pat and so many more! And I am thrilled these notes are working. Much better and now I can access you again from my phone!

  5. I'm sending you a high five and wishes for a happy Thursday!

  6. Yes, I am with Kay on this. Happy Thursday!

  7. Hilary is a wonder woman. How she had time to carefully read so many blogs and still appear to be normal amazes me as well. I read many blogs, but not all the time and sometimes I will skim a blog and not really read it. Congrats...you are a great writer.

  8. I know what you mean about comments -- they're blessings to me...

    And I don't know how you manage as much as you do -- with two blogs, all the writing besides these, your volunteering, swimming, et cetera!!!!



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