April 2, 2011

Wowie Zowie

Yesterday and Today
Himself: Still coming home and writing estimates till about eight. Willing to be social tho. He’s singing the Oscar Meyer song right now.

Herself: Way too many people took my entry seriously yesterday. It was April fool’s day, after all. These roses have all been heavily photoshopped to make them pop off the screen, but thanks for the kind words.

Today a birthday pot luck. The Geezer has taken the early shift at the Automotive museum, and I will tag along so he won’t have to come back after me. Take out lunch, take out pot luck…oh, how the mighty hath fallen.

Sickie Lessa informed G that the old, cranky computer we gave her has bitten the dust. In this case, after hearing the symptoms, we smiled knowing it has acquired a virus or updated itself in some unfortunate way. G’s very old gaming computer had just been updated. Wow. Amazing timing that. He spent the last day adding Antivirus software and Malware stuff, and we will take it up to her after the potluck.

I don’t think that will upgrade her blog posting frequency tho, darn it.

I need to upgrade my corrections frequency tho. I submitted one piece for the class anthology II, and notes from the editors have begun arriving. All but one just suggest comma changes, but that last one suggests hundreds of structural changes that I doubt. So If you want me, after my shower, I’m hacking and slashing and comma-ing till we leave for the Park.

We are the Wowie Zowie pair today.


  1. Have fun for your birthday, that is all that matters. Love the roses, so Georgia O'Keefe. I intend to photograph a few of ours pretty soon.

  2. I love pot lucks! Have a terrific time.

    You have done an amazing job with Photoshop. THe roses are spectacular. I wish I knew how you did that.

  3. A lot of computer problems can be fixed by a few simple measures: antivirus, anti-spyware, a firewall and simple maintenance (notably defrag.) If the computer in question is also periodically relieved of dust, so much the better!

    Thanks for the visit today; tell Poolie hello for me!

  4. It seems computer problems are pretty rampant. Just had a major one here, too.

    Isn't writing and editing fun? I love to play with words.

  5. Of course, the flower is what caught my attention!

  6. I love ;that rose. That's what I call penis pink.

  7. Those rose pictures you're featuring are astounding! I love them. Plus can you update us some of the symptoms on a virus attack? Is a slowed down computer by chance?



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